Best Friends In The World Senior Year Episode 8 Predictions and Updates

Best Friends In The World Senior Year Episode 8 Predictions and Updates

Best friend in the world senior year took off about 3 months ago, the 4th of March 2022 precisely. A lot of shocking things have started happening like introduction of new characters like Evelyn and Gloria.
When will Best Friends In The World Senior Year episode 8 be released?
Best Friends In The World Senior Year episode 8 will be released on Friday June 10,2022 by 8pm Nigerian Time.
The cast and crew of Best Friends In The World Senior Year are apologizing for releasing the episodes late recently. Best Friends In The World Senior Year fans need to understand that, the release of the episode on Saturday two weeks ago was caused as a result of unforseen circumstances.
A lot of people have been dropping speculations on things that will happen in the next episode, people are excited the enthusiasm is high..
Our Best Friends In The World Senior Year Episode 7 Predictions (Let’s See What We Score)
1.Mrs lane goes on a date with the banke ☑ r
2.Angel meets Olive again ❌
3.David and the Kings perform Live ☑
.Esther is pained and tells Archie to tell her what happened ❌
Iris and Romeo another fight ❌

Best Friends In The World Senior Year Episode 8 Predictions and Updates

  1. Angel Meets With Olive Again
    Yea have been predicting this for too long! It just has to happen now!
    You remember few episodes ago when Olive was comforted by Angel. We hope it will happen in Best Friends In The World Senior Year Episode 8.
  2. Adam finally realized that he and Olive are drifting apart. He’ll try to fight for his love
    Adam got shenked, snubbed and ignored by Olive!! Personally I was sad cos initially I wanted to ship them.
  3. Esther and Archie will be back!! Archie will get a gift for Esther
    Yayy! After Archie fought with Julius last episode, Archie and Esther will be officially coming back. Esther will be most likely be getting a gift from her boo.
    Shout out to the assistant class captain who saved Archie’s ass and the whole class last night.
  4. David and Evelyn will hook up soon
    Yea ☺
    I’ve been predicting this since day one. The first day Evelyn resumed as a student and Adam and showed her around. She said something that a lot of people didn’t realize. “He’s cute” she said, and that’s the first and only person she considered cute. Then she said “why is he always frowning?”… I immediately spotted something…
    In episode 6 we saw how David called her out and they both low key confessed that they were feeling each other.
  5. Robert and Maria love starts making sense
    We haven’t seen much of Maria so far, we will see something spicy in Best Friends In The World Senior Year Episode 8
  6. Iris will keep acting like she hates Romeo (Something nice is coming ????)
    Something hooge is coming!!
  7. Evelyn’s true intention will be revealed in episode 8 or 9
    A lot of people feel that Evelyn is faking the whole friendship thing but I feel otherwise. Guys why can’t we all try to love Evelyn. She is human c’mon.
  8. Gloria and wahala
    Just like Evelyn, the addition of Gloria has added more spice to the show and she just stole the watch ????
    It will be revealed soon enough!!? More trouble coming!
  9. Hidden Secret Author might be reveled
    We all know Adam is the author of hidden secret but he is still anonymous.. For now
  10. TV Competition and Mock Exam results
    Yeah you remember how Olive reacted when her mum told her about the competition? I have w feeling it won’t happen in Best Friends In The World Senior Year Episode 8 but in episode 9..And the exam where Olive gets 15th position was the exam they wrote last week
    ???? Those are our predictions, if you have any predictions kindly use the comment box.