Can I Get NYSC Certificate Without Serving?

When I was contacted on this topic, I thought I should share the same with the wide audience who may want to get an NYSC certificate without serving.


After your HND or BSC, the next thing is mostly NYSC which, after one year of serving your fatherland, will lead to the award of a certificate called the discharged certificate.

Graduates who are overaged and could not serve will be awarded the exemption certificate which is a discharged certificate equivalent.

However, graduates who are produced through part-time, distance-learning, or sandwich programs, whether averaged or not, are warded exclusion letters.


The Three Awards Are Acceptable Widely

In case, you’re worried about the differences and their acceptability, experience has shown that the discharged certificates are generally accepted for any official purposes out there.

However, even though some private companies may be choosy when it comes to the exemption certificate and exclusion letter, they’re equally accepted by all well-known companies and public/government-owned establishments.

So, let’s say you’re not a graduate, or you’ve not completed your schooling to deserve going for NYSC, or you’re in NYSC but you’ve not got your certificate or you’re only qualified for an exemption certificate or exclusion letter.

Yet, you’re still interested in getting a discharged certificate without following the due process. Let me take you through what you must know.

No NYSC Certificate If You’re Not A Graduate

It won’t matter if you’re still in school or done with any foundational programmes such as NCE, ND, IJMB, RN, RM, etc., what it requires to be part of NYSC is being a graduate.

In other words, NYSC will neither mobilize you for nor issue you a discharged certificate or any of its equivalent, if you don’t hold HND or BSC.

Higher National Diploma (HND) or Bachelor’s Degree (BSC) is the only prerequisite to register for NYSC and be mobilized for service. While the services of one year in the scheme determine your earning of a discharged certificate.

You don’t have to serve to earn an exception certificate and exclusion letter. Even in this case, you must still be a graduate.


NYSC Certificates Can’t Be Bought

To the best of my knowledge, you can’t buy the NYSC certificate. By this, I mean, there is no way to maneuver the system such that, without being mobilized for NYSC you will be given any of the discharged certificates, exemption certificates, or exclusion letters.

First, before you can be given any of the three certifications, you must be mobilized through a school senate list, and partake in the online mobilization registration.

And those who will be given the discharged certificate, must also proceed to campbe cleared, partake in the 21 days of camp activities and be deployed to individual places of primary assignment, serve there for a whole year, and be passed out.

Other than that, there is no way (official or unofficial) that will help you secure any of these certificates without following the due process