Does Uniben Accept Second Choice, Does Uniben Accept those who did not pick them in Jamb.. See Valid Answer

Before you read this post I need you to do something first..
Does Uniben accept second choice?
Lol, you really want to know if Uniben accepts second choice right?
Please just relax..
Its important to note that, no top university or Polytechnic in Nigeria likes the idea of second choice…
Imagine u love a guy , will you like to be his side chic aka second choice or his main chic?
A lot of aspirants have asked questions relating to this and all I will tell you is… Just relax..
Some even go on to ask “does Uniben accept people that didn’t pick them in Jamb?”
In 2017 when I went to the Polythecnic…. They didn’t accept those of us who chose them as Second or 3rd choice… We had to go for Dpt(Daily Part time)
Well, the good news is that JAMB Now Allows candidates to choose Universities as Second choice during registration, but the not so good news is that not all Universities or schools can be used as second (2nd) choice during JAMB Registration.
See also :does Uniben accept awaiting results
JAMB has selected the list of schools that can be used as second choice to better increase the chances that each Candidates have to be offered admission for the session.
Enough of beating around the bush
Does Uniben Accept Those That Choose It as Second (2nd) Choice in JAMB?
Or in Other Words, Does Uniben Offer Admission to Candidates who Choose It As Second Choice?
Does Uniben Accept those who didn’t pick them in Jamb
Also remember to upload your results on caps
See: how to check o’level result on caps
Now, those candidates who meet Uniben Admission Cut Off mark or Minimum requirements for admission will qualify to participate in Their Screening exercise or Post-UTME.
Should the Second choice candidate who applied for Uniben meet the departmental cut off mark, he/she will be offered admission into the Federal University Oye Ekiti State to study the course in question…. But you must change your institution on Jamb portal.
Scratch that..
If you don’t pick Uniben as 1st choice you won’t participate in the screening or Postutme
If you have further questions please use the comment box