Does WAEC Scratch Card Expire? – Also NECO, NABTEB?

When you use your WAEC checker or the checking card for NECO or NABTEB, once or twice, you should be thinking about it expiring in case you will need to use it again in the future.


Especially if you’d checked the result, 5 or 9 years ago, but still have the checker with you, you start to be doubting if you can use it again if the need arises

This poses the questions, “Does WAEC, NECO, or NABTEB result checker or scratch card usually expire? And if yes, for how long can you use the same card to check your result?

In this post, I will be answering your question and shedding more light on related concerns.

Scratch Cards Don’t Expire By Years

It doesn’t matter if you’re referring to NECO, WAEC, or NABTEB results, a checking card never expires by year.

Unlike your medicine and food, which has the specific period it should be used or consumed, a scratch card, to check WAEC, NECO, or NABTEB results, will remain usable, as long as forever.

In a usual case, if you have activated the card, by using it once or twice in the past, the validity of using it remains active forever. Therefore, you can use it 21 years after the first or second use.


Scratch Cards Expire After the 5-Time Usage

Mostly, if not generally, all SSCE scratch cards can be used to check the same result up to 5 times. That is, you can use a checker to check and print the same result on 5 different occasions.

After these 5 checkings, the card can’t be used to check the result or anyone at all

At this point, we can conclude that the scratch card has expired or exceeded the number of usages.

If you make an attempt to check the result with this card, the sixth time, it’ll return an error – meaning you can’t. We can loosely say, it’s expired.

Old NECO Card Can Only Check Result on Old Portal

In recent years, NECO, specifically, had changed its websites, which candidates were using to check results.

Up to 2018, the exam body was using And after that year, it started using

For candidates who wrote NECO before 2018, and who had also bought the scratch card back then, they would have to strictly use the card on the old website. Read, NECO Result Checking: Check 2000 – 2018 (June/July and Nov./Dec.)

This doesn’t mean, they can’t use the new website if they’re older students. They will be able to use the new website ONLY if they decide to buy new cards made for the new website. This new card is called TOKEN instead – which can be bought online directly from NECO’s official website


However, if you insist on using your old NECO scratch card, you’ll have to use the old portal – which works fine as well.


Except where the result checking portal has changed, as detailed in the post above, WAEC scratch cards, just as the NECO and NABTEB cards never expire before or after usage. But if it exceeds the 5 times of use, you’ll have to buy a new card.