Is it JAMB that gives admission or school? See the answer here

I have been admitted on caps but not on school portal?
Is it Jamb that gives admission or school?
I was given admission on school portal but Jamb Caps is saying not admitted?
Questions like these have been asked over the years and most people don’t get to know the real answer.. I’m here to answer your questions.
Before a student can be given admission through JAMB into any university, there are several processes it takes. But to answer the question, we would say it’s both the school and jamb that gives admission.
See also : how to check o’level result on caps
Nonetheless, you may have a contrary view but we have in our previous All About Jamb Caps Admission Process explain the admission process step by step.
Fortunately you are in the right website and I’m going to explain the two steps to gaining admission in Nigeria
Admission on Jamb or Jamb Caps
This is what happens basically..
After you’ve registered for Jamb and you’ve written the exams.. You go for postutme or screening as usual..
After the cutoff has been released, the next thing they will tell you is to keep checking your caps like Live scores ????..
I totally understand that shii.
On a normal setting, you should see admission first on Jamb caps before school portal
First it will be not admitted
Then it will move to admission in progress
Then finally Congratulations
Ensure you accept admission between 3 days
Admission on School Portal
I have admission on school portal but not on Jamb caps..
This is an error and it occurs basically because Jamb uploaded late.. You know Jamb has to upload for all the Universities in Nigeria!!! No be Shere Shere.. It isn’t a joke…
But your school just has probably 3 to 10k students to upload.. Compared to Jamb that uploads over a 100k students.
If you have been admitted on School Portal rejoice… Don’t worry Jamb Caps will change.. (Go back to a cbt centre and re upload your results.. Check back after a week or two)
How do you secure admission? Normal Admission Process Explained

How do you secure admission? After Jamb registration and all the details will be stored on Jamb website concerning the school and course they chose during registration .(although later a student can apply for change of course or institution)
After Jamb comes Postutme /Screening, as Postutme arrives (hmm) , Jamb will then compile the names of those that applied in each school and send them to each of the Universities, Polytechnics and Colleges of Education involved.
Each school will then use those names and conduct postutme or screening as the case may be.
Schools will now compile the names of those that perform well in they screening which they have considered for admission or have given admission and send it to Jamb in batches. (Jamb can choose to accept or reject.. The main reason why Jamb will reject is because you didnt upload your results)
Jamb will now upload those names sent to them by the school on they portal so that candidates can be able to print they admission letter.
Finally you have seen the full process of admission in Nigeria
Jamb doesn’t give admission, but rather send names to school for admission.
Who really gives admission? Jamb or School? The final Verdict
Both of them give admission… Although Jamb can be more powerful in the sense that, they can accept or reject the names submitted by school…
But do you know a school can also reject admission from Jamb Caps? It’s very rare sha
Jamb and school both give admission in Nigeria
Important Info : Do you know that over the first few years when the JAMB CAPS was introduced, there were issues of candidates getting admitted by JAMB CAPS and the schools refused to accept such students. Such issues have been resolved.
Once you are admitted by JAMB CAPS and you accept the admission, you will surely be accepted by the school if you have the required documents.
If school refuses to give you admission and jamb has given you admission.. Relax..
Print out your Jamb admission letter and give it to the school… They’ll have no choice but to admit you.
Jamb is more powerful but they can’t admit students outside the Admission list of the school.. So they are both very important
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