Less competitive courses to study in Nigeria
Less competitive courses to study in Nigeria…
I know you might be confused right now. You are aspiring for a course to study in the University and you don’t k now which one is competitive and which is not. Well this post is for you.
Below is the list of top 10 less competitive courses in Nigeria

Are you tired of staying at home? Im here to show you the way out….lol
Education is one course that so many people don’t know exists and its like the easiest course to get admission with..why? no one thinks of it, most of those your big aunts and uncles that went to the university claiming to study medicine actually studied health education..lol.. Education used to be taught in the college of education, but these days, a lot of universities have taken it as a course an to be honest with you, the course is really lucrative. The jamb cutoff for education in some schools can be as low as 180 or even 150.
Education courses offered at Nigerian tertiary education institutions include the following:
Adult and Community Education
Adult and Continuing Education
Adult and Non-Fiction Education
Adult Education
Adult Education/Economics and Statistics
Adult Education/English Literature
Adult Education/Geography and Regional Planning
Adult Education/Political Science and Public Administration
Agricultural Production and Management Science and Education
Agricultural Science and Education
Automobile Technology Education
Building and Woodwork Technology Education
Building Education
Building Technology Education
Business Education
Education Arts
Library Science
Sports Science
Computer Education
Counsellor Education
Curriculum and Instruction
Curriculum Studies
Early Childhood and Primary Education
Early Childhood Education
Education / Mechanical Technology
Education Accounting
Education and Accountancy
Education and Arabic
Education and Biology
Education and Business Administration
Education and Chemistry
Education and Christian Religious Studies
Education and Computer Science
Education and Economics
Education and Edo Language
Education and Efik/Ibibio
Education and English Language
Education and English Language and Literature
Education and French
Education and Geography
Education and Government
Education and Hausa
Education and History
Education and Igbo
Education and Integrated Science
Education and Islamic Studies
Education and Language Arts
Education and Mathematics
Education and Music
Education and Physics
Education and Political Science
Education and Science
Education and Social Science
Education and Social Studies
Education and Sociology
Education and Yoruba
Education Fine and Applied Art
Education Fine Art
Education Technology
Education, Igbo and Linguistics
Education, Language and French
Educational / Psychology Guidance and Counselling
Educational Administration
Educational Administration and Planning
Educational Administration and Supervision
Educational Foundations
Educational Foundations and Administration
Educational Foundations and Management
Educational Management
Educational Management and Planning
Educational Technology/Introductory Technology
Electrical/Electronic Education
Elementary Education
Environmental Education
Guidance and Counselling
Health And Safety Education
Health Education
Home Economics and Education
Human Kinetics
Human Kinetics and Health Education
Industrial Education Technology
Industrial Technical Education
Library and Information Science – Under Education
Library and Information Studies
Marketing Education
Mathematics/Computer Science Education
Mathematics/Statistics Education
Mathematics and Education Technology
Metal Work Technology Education
Nursery and Primary Education
Physical and Health Education
Physical Education
Physical Education and Recreation
Pre-Primary and Primary Education
Primary Education Studies
Science Education
Secretarial Administration
Secretarial Administration and Education
Secretarial Education
Special Education
Sport Science and Health Education
Statistics/Computer Science Education
Statistics Education
Teacher Education
Teacher Education Science
Technical Education
Technology and Vocational Education
Transport Planning Management and Education (TPM)
Vocational and Technical Education
Vocational Education
Wood Work/Education
Radiopgraphy is one super dope course that so many people are yet to discover, with little effort
you will easily gain admission with it, cos only few schools offer it and they have very few applicants. To be honest with you, Radiography is one course
that science inclined students can take a look at. It is one of the less competitive medical courses and you might just get it if you choose to study it at the university.
Radiography is the imaging of body cells, tissues and organs for the purpose of diagnosis of certain
know some people will bemad at me for putting yhis course on no 3, languasges is one of , if not the
best less competitive courses in Nigeria, Languages is a very vast course in Nigerian tertiary education institutions which has different aspects that you can major in. The course is peculiar to those in the arts.
With the study of a particular language, you can get really important job roles at Embassies where you can become a translator and be paid handsomely for it.You can also work in most media houses and at the customer service centres for some top telecommunications companies and banks in the country, as well as other companies in Nigeria who need people that are fluent in certain indigenous and foreign languages and you can even work in the embassy
Courses under the Faculty of Languages in some Nigerian Universities include the following:
Hausa Language
Igbo Language
Yoruba Language

I think everyone is starting to know how lucrative and less competitive
Agriculture is another less competitive course to look at in Nigerian universities. The course enables you as a graduate to create your own job, produce raw materials for industries, go on agricultural tours, helps in the diversification of the economy, to mention but a few.
Some of the best courses to study under Agriculture In Nigerian Universities include the following:
Agricultural Engineering
Animal Production
Crop Production
Agricultural Economics
Agricultural Science Education
Animal Science and Technology
Soil Science and Technology
Fisheries and Aquacultural Technology
ailments and graduates in the field are in demand these days. They are paid handsomely as well.
Building Technology is the less competitive version of Civil Engineering and applying for it can get you into the university sooner rather than later.
Building technology is the study of the technical processes and methods used in the constructing buildings. It combines both architecture and civil engineering.
Graduates in this discipline can choose to go for further certifications that can enable them work at some of the top construction companies in Nigeria.
Interestingly, Mathematics and Statistics are less competitive courses in Nigeria. They are there for students who love to play with figures. People who study mathematics or statistics can work anywhere and be paid decent salaries.
A science course that is one of the less competitive in Nigerian universities is Zoology. This branch of science deals with animal behaviour, animal physiology and life. Zoologists work at zoological parks, wildlife research centres etc.
8. C.R.K/I.R.K
Christian Religious Knowledge and Islamic Religious Knowledge are also less competitive. They are courses apart from Theology that teaches students the in and out of these two major religions in the country.
Graduates of this course can become teachers or lecturers at various public and private education institutions in Nigeria as well as clerics.
Apart from the top 10 less competitive courses in Nigeria which we have listed, other worthy mentions include:
Combined Biological Sciences
Sports Science and Health Education
Visual Art and Technology
Agricultural Extension and Rural Sociology
Soil Science and Land Agro-Climatology
Ecotourism and Wildlife Management
Shipping and Maritime Technology
Curriculum Studies
Secretarial Administration
Marine Biology
Operations Research
Marine Science and Technology
Conservation Biology
Surveying and Geoinformatics
Industrial Physics with Electronics and I.T Application
Physics /Astrology
Wood Production Engineering
Physics and Computational Modelling
Polymer and Textile Engineering
Peace and Conflict Studies
Environmental Management and Toxicology
Cooperative and Rural Development
Public and Private International Law
Personnel Management
Plant Breeding and Seed Technology

History is another good course in Nigerian universities that is less competitive and peculiar to arts students. By the time you know it, you are through with your studies.
Studying history is studying about past events as described in written documents, it keeps you informed and sets you up to becoming an archivist, a demographer, diplomat, foreign Affairs analyst/specialist, immigration specialist, market research analyst, to mention but a few.
Veterinary medicine is one of the medical courses in Nigerian universities that is very less competitive. It is an alternative to medicine and surgery but instead of humans, animals are the ones being treated by a veterinary doctor.
This course deals with the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of disease, disorder and injury in animals. Science inclined students would do well to check this course.