OOU Approves Activities to commemorate and mark the University’s 40th Foundation Anniversary

OOU Approves Activities to commemorate and mark the University’s 40th Foundation Anniversary


The University’s Governing Council has approved a series of activities to commemorate and mark the University’s 40th Foundation Anniversary, having agreed on 31 January 1983 as the University’s Foundation Day, undergragra.ng reports.




The goal of the University’s 40th Anniversary Celebrations and Commemoration is to highlight the University’s achievements, celebrate its growth and successes, and bring the University Community together with its Alumni, Public and Corporate World, and Society at large (via a series of Events and Activities). Furthermore, the University intends to solicit Endowments and Donations during this Anniversary.

The Anniversary has been approved for a six-month period beginning in January and ending in June 2023. The Anniversary is also divided into six (06) phases, the first of which is as follows:

DAY: Tuesday, January 31, 2023
PROGRAMME: Founders Day, Anniversary Logo Launch, and Vice-Media Chancellor’s Parley
LOCATED IN: Senate Chambers
TIME: 10 a.m.

DAY: Friday, February 3, 2023
Ijebu-Ode Central Mosque is the venue.
TIME: 1 p.m.

DAY: Sunday, February 5, 2023
VENUE: St. Peter’s Cathedral, Ake, Abeokuta
TIME: 10 a.m.

The rest of the phases will be communicated to members of the University Community.

The University Community is invited to take note of the Phase I Activities in order to participate fully.

While congratulating all stakeholders, particularly members of the University Community, on being a part of the historic events that have marked the University’s fruitful journey since its inception, the Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Ayodeji Agboola, wishes everyone a smooth journey.

free Celebrations for the 40th Anniversary of the Foundation