Top 9 Universities in Lagos State

Universities in the state of Lagos. This page contains more information about the list of all federal, state, and private universities in Lagos State, as well as other related information. The best universities in Lagos State are listed below.

We will notify our readers as soon as the National Universities Commission approves new universities (NUC). The following is a complete list of accredited universities in Lagos State.

University List in Lagos State
Have you been looking for a list of Lagos’s federal, state, and private universities? If so, your search has come to an end.

We have provided a list of all approved universities in Lagos in this article to assist all prospective students who wish to further their education at any of the universities.

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Universities in Lagos State

Below is the current list of all the federal, state, and private universities in Lagos.

Federal Universities in Lagos State

  • National Open University of Nigeria (NOUN)
  • University of Lagos (UNILAG)

State University in Lagos State

  • Lagos State University (LASU)

Private University in Lagos State


  • Anchor University
  • Augustine University
  • Caleb University
  • Eko University of Medical and Health Sciences Ijanikin
  • James Hope University
  • Pan-Atlantic University