Universities and Schools/Colleges of Nursing in Kebbi State

Universities and Schools/Colleges of Nursing in Kebbi State

With over four hundred (400) Nursing Training Institutions in Nigeria, accounting for about:


  1. Schools of Nursing (Basic) – 117
  2. Schools of Midwifery (Basic/ Post Basic) – 111
  3. Community Midwifery Programme – 27
  4. Community Nursing Programme – 30
  5. Schools of Post-Basic Nursing Specialties – 72
  6. Universities Offering Nursing Sciences – 43


… there may be the need to narrow down the number to the schools of nursing in your state or a particular state of your interest.

Let’s take Kebbi State for example. What are the schools/colleges of Nursing and universities offering Nursing in Kebbi State?

In this post, the names, addresses, or locations of all schools, colleges, and universities offering Nursing in Kebbi State will be detailed. The list will also include the programmes being offered by each – which may include:


  1. Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN)
  2. Basic Nursing programme
  3. Basic Midwifery programme
  4. Post-Basic Midwifery programme
  5. And similar to other Nursing programmes

List of Schools/Colleges of Nursing and Universities Offering Nursing in Kebbi State

  1. College of Nursing Sciences, Birnin-Kebbi, Kebbi State
  2. Sajo College of Nursing Sciences, Birnin-Kebbi, Kebbi State
  3. Federal University, Birnin-Kebbi, Kebbi State