When Will Jamb Start Giving Admission For 2022/2023?

If you are a candidate looking for answers to questions such as “When will Jamb start giving admission for 2022/23”, If so, you’re in luck; results for 2022/23 UTME Examinations have begun to trickle in for specific candidates.  

This position is open to those who took the 2022 JAMB UTME and scored at or above the required cut-off mark. Please be advised that the Jamb admission process begins when the exam board announces your Jamb results, regardless of your score.

Few schools do not administer post-utme screening exams; nevertheless, most are privately operated, even though most institutions administer post-utme tests. Continue below to find out when Jamb will start giving admission.

When Will Jamb Start Giving Admission For 2022/2023?

If you are wondering When JAMB will start giving admission for the 2022/2023 academic year, the answer is that Jamb will begin granting admissions for the 2022/2023 school year in October through December.

Before any list is released or Jamb begins awarding admission, there are procedures that each institution must follow.

Please be aware that all procedures must be followed thoroughly, and any institution that fails to conform will be sanctioned; the methods themselves are provided below.

1. Jamb Scores And Results Are Distributed To Schools

It is the responsibility of the Jamb to notify the institutions of candidates’ score preferences as soon as results are released.

2. Cut-Off Marks Are Determined

Institutions will now assess their cut-off mark based on the record records containing all applicants’ names and Jamb scores.

Some departments will raise their minimum score required to apply if they receive many candidates with high Jamb results.

3. Uploading Of Pending Results To The Jamb Portal 

At this stage, the institution will require you to enter your credentials, such as WAEC or NECO. Grades at the current level are a significant factor in determining a candidate’s admissions prospects. 

I have always urged people taking standardized tests to aim for A or B rather than settling for less. People with low grades must fight and work to get a high score on the post-utme. If you have a low grade, try not to stress about it; instead, try to improve it by studying harder. 

And aiming for grades that are higher than average, or you might choose a field of study with a lower minimum score requirement to improve your chances of getting accepted.

4. Post-UTME Examination Or Admission Screening Holds 

At this point, all schools that want to carry out screening operations will begin requesting their candidates to proceed forward to pick up the forms.

Every institution has been instructed to set the price of their Post-UTME form at no more than two thousand naira.

I recommend purchasing forms from the educational establishment with the position of your second highest priority, whether a polytechnic, university, or college of education. It will increase, rather than decrease, your chances of being accepted.

5. Jamb Is The Organization Determining Which Students Are Admitted To Universities

Jamb receives a list of applicants who have been successful in their application through the Jamb Caps Portal. The names must be submitted to Jamb for final approval, and no school has the authority to do so. 

Once Jamb receives the go-ahead from the school, it will upload the results of all applicants and send the school a digital copy.

6. Jamb And Schools Will Begin Releasing Admission Lists For Candidates To Check At This Time

This stage is when schools will begin releasing their merit list, second list, third list, and so on. At this point, you are strongly encouraged to get the jamb caps site up and running as soon as possible to expedite processing of your admission application.

You can now check your admission status for the academic year 2022/2023 on www.jamb.gov.ng, as the JAMB CAPS site has been launched. 

It is important to remember that JAMB will be responsible for granting admission to universities, polytechnics, and colleges of education and uploading Jamb admission status on the Jamb CAPS. I hope this write-up has answered the question of when will Jamb start giving admission for 2022/23.

Read Also: What Is The Cut Off Mark For DELSU?


If your university has finished its admissions process, the only thing left to do is publish her admissions list. Expect this to happen in September/October, when the admission lists will be released, and then visit your JAMB portal to accept or reject your admission before the deadline.