Friends in Love
Episode 6
Written by Ace
+234(809418071)The ball hit the keeper’s hand and went outside then Bale played the corner kick, the ball swirled and CR7 jumped up………..
It hit his head and it was a goal!
Then the referee blew the final whistle….
‘Your car key!’ They shouted in unison
He shamefully gave them the key as he wished he could go back in time. The girls watched him as he went out almost crying. Then Jummy called one of the sanitation guys and told him to put the key in the incinerator
‘Jummy, you are wicked’ Julliet said as they walked out laughing so hard.
For the first time in a long time, the street of Agbowo was dry, Dele wandered around the room like a lizard locked up in a room looking for a way to escape,then he paused…. it’s like he remembered something.
He went to his table and picked up his world map.
‘Dele wetin u wan use map do’
‘Guy what will I be doing when there is strike? Besides I’ve found the place I want us to go to’ Dele said smiling a little.
‘It’s like this strike is worrying you’
‘Guy stop am, I have big plans’ he said and brought the map towards where Dave sat at the corner of the bed.
Then they heard a knock
‘Who is there?’Dele asked as he went to open the door
‘Tracy! How are you?’
‘Is he in?’
‘Hi, Tracy’
‘Make I excuse u guys ‘Dele said smiling mischeviously
‘Aren’t you gonna talk to me?’
Dave got so irritated around her. He wasn’t just interested in any lady, at least for now.
‘What is it?’ Dave grumbled
‘Dave mark my words, whether you love me or not, I will come after you with all that is within me’ Tracy said as she walked out of the house crying bitterly
‘That was harsh bro!’
‘Not your business!’
‘It is my business, you keep chasing these girls away, look dude! We are broke’
He brought the container of foodstuffs
‘Guy see it is empty’
The strike was called off earlier than expected, it was a good news to some and a bad news to many.
Resumption date was just a day after Julliet’s birthday, so the venue was changed to Jogor Centre, Felicia hall to be precise. Same time, 8pm sharp.
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