Friends in Love
Episode 7
Written by Ace
‘Guy let us go’ Dave said rushing out of the house
‘Get back inside, look at how you are dressed ‘
‘Guy na’
Dele forced Dave back inside he then patiently looked for a cool polo shirt and a blue Jean and gave them to Dave.
Jogor Centre was kind of far from Agbowo.
‘where is your pass?’ a bouncer asked as they were about to enter.
‘ha!’ Dave exclaimed realising he forgot it at home
‘Guy we wan perform, comot make we enter’
‘Na punch I go use scatter your black face’ one of the bouncers said facing Dele
‘This guy dey abuse me say I black sha’
A fight was about to start when Jummy came out to receive a call
‘What’s going on here’
‘These guys don’t have a pass’ a bouncer said
She looked at them, it was like she had seen them somewhere in the past, but she couldn’t pinpoint.
‘let them in please’
Dele stuck out his tongue making jest of the bouncers
Felicia hall was filled up to the brim even though it was very big.
‘Guy what song should I sing?’ Dave asked as he adjusted his guitar
‘ma bimi ni jamb question’
‘shey make I sing Bambi’
Dele shook his head and replied ‘ chai, kuku go and sing funeral song’
Just then the Master of ceremony announnced..
‘I call on D-strings for his performance’
Dave for the first time in his life was scared for reasons he couldn’t tell.
He never knew he had so much fans, most of them where ladies. He climbed up the podium then he looked towards the Celebrant, mehn! She was beautiful, she wore a beautifu blue gown.
‘Good day fellas’
‘ I must confess the celebrant is more beautiful than I had imagined’ Dave said and smiled
‘Aaawn!’ the ladies in the hall screamed
‘It’s a pleasure to be with you guys’
He sat on a stool then started to sing
“Her eyes, her eyes, make the stars look like they are not shining.
“Her hair,her hair, falls perfectly without hair drying….
The whole hall sang along to Bruno mars, Just the way you are.
Dave’s voice went smoothly without crashing.
“You are amazing! Just the way you are!”
He sung It perfectly he then made a mock bow and he winked
He winked, I mean a wink than can kill anything. I’m not exaggerating at least 5 ladies fainted immediately he winked. Lol!
The rest of the party went on very quickly, then it was time to go home.
Dave was about to go out when he heard his name, he stopped and looked back.
‘Hi bro’
‘Sup nigga’ Dave said and shook hands with the guy
‘Wow you have a beautiful voice, may I have your digits?’
Dave gave it to him and smiled
‘and you are beautiful too’ the guy said licking his lips
Dave didn’t see that coming…
Dele came out of no where he was obviously watching the whole show
‘That guy is gay’
‘Thank God say I no fine, how will a boy tell me I’m beautiful’ Dele said shaking his head in disgust
‘Guy, stop am’ Dave said laughing it off
They were back at home and about to sleep when the phone rang
‘Dave pesin dey call you’
Dele carried the phone and said ‘ unknown number’
Dave picked it immediately without hesitating’ hello’
‘Hello Dave or should I call you D-strings’
‘I’m sorry who is this’
‘This is……
Watch out for episode 8
Who can guess the caller?