What subject is the most difficult in jamb

What exactly are the most difficult subjects in Jamb?Questions like this pop up every now and then but honestly at times I feel like you are asking the wrong question..
You should ask something like
How can I pass jamb
How to predict jamb questions
And the worst question you can ask is
Is jamb result upgrade real
But you should trust Undergragra, we have an answer to your question “which subject is the hardest in Jamb”
List of Subjects That Are Difficult in Jamb
The 8 hardest subjects are (mind you they are not really arranged in the order of difficulty
1. Use of English
2. Accounting
3. Literature
4. Mathematics
6 Physics
7 Biology
8. Government
Use of English
Use of English is one major subject that everyone must do and I can say that it is the hardest subject to pass in Jamb.
Use of English is often discarded as shit like something that can easily be passed, but do you know that one of the major subjects that students have difficulty in passing in Waec is English.
Use of English can be very technical.. Looking simple but extremely difficult
How Jamb is marked
Over the years, I have discovered that Jamb candidates generally score lower in English. Waec candidates complain yearly that they perform below expectation in English. This even applies to scholars who think English is their best.
The English Language has a lot of rules called “concord” . What seems correct to you may not be the correct answer. Another reason the Waec English Language and Jamb use of English is relatively more difficult to pass is that English is very wide.
English covers a whole lot of areas like Comprehension passages, idioms, synonyms, antonyms, vowels, consonants, emphatic stress, fill in the gap and so on. Jamb has even added Novel to Use of English. You, therefore, need to do the following to pass the Use of English very well:
English requires time. Note that English may not be a difficult subject to you in particular, however, it is more difficult to score very high in English, Unlike mathematics and Economics.
My advice is that you should not put all your hope on English. Make sure you prepare adequately for your three other Jamb Subjects. You are to register four subjects in Jamb. Make sure you are grounded in at least three of your Jamb subject
Personally during all the times I wrote Jamb, as much as I love and how well I speak English, my Use of English in Jamb always left me bewildered.
You can read up how I got over 250 in Jamb
Even during my last Jamb when I got a good score… My English was still the lowest.. Lol.
Study your Concord, read the literature text and don’t be in a rush while answering English jamb questions (link.. Answer jamb correctly)
This is another crazy subject that most people find very difficult in Jamb. I can’t say much about it, but it’s important for me to let you know and prepare your minds so you can prepare adequately.
Umm, the thing about literature is, it can be very easy to make mistakes while answering the questions in Jamb cos two answers might look alike. While preparing for literature in Jamb, you need to read and understand the recommended novels. The funny thing is that only a few questions will be asked. What if the questions don’t come from the part that you focused on in the novel? That’s a heart-break.
Sometimes the figures of speech set in literature get you confused and thinking of the right answer eats up more of your time. Thinking too much before answering questions in the hall eats much of your time.
Of course I’m sure everyone knows this should be the hardest subject in Jamb but sorry to tell you, Mathematics in Jamb won’t have been difficult if there was nothing like Integral Calculus (Differentiation and Integration). Funny thing is, I know all of you might really hate it now… You cant run away from it, especially engineering students. You’ll face it through out your time in the higher institution.
Physics is hard oo.. It’s the most difficult subject in Jamb.. Oh yeah I hear stuffs like that every time. But now I feel like I made a mistake adding Physics to the 8 hardest subjects in Jamb.
The fact that you have the formulas for the laws of motion doesn’t mean that you can solve every motion question. You need to understand the formula, assume values not given and know the formula to use in each case. Assumption is another thing that makes physics very difficult. Sometimes you don’t know what to assume.
The major issue is you need to know the units and how formulas are manipulated. From the options you were given you can use the unit to solve your question..
LOL you might be wondering how right?
Mehn should I do a tutorial class… If you are interested you can dm me on 07012830086
What Jamb sets in Phyics
What Jamb sets in Chemistry
LOL I believe chemistry should have made this list sha
Yeah Biology is hard oo.. If possible I can rate the second most difficult subject in Jamb.. For Biology, it is very broad. Questions come out from the many topics and subtopics in Biology. You need to cover a whole lot before you can deliver something reasonable in the hall. There are a whole lot of topics you need to understand and “thousands of terms” cram before you can comfortably pass Biology.
The good news is that you can still do very well in Literature, Physics and Biology if you dedicate your time to understand them. They require your time and dedication; give it to them.
As difficult as this Biology is, have met several people who scored as high as 98/100 in Jamb. So why can’t you pass it?
Jamb cheat code
On the list of the 8 hardest subjects in Jamb, I believe Governmemt has to be on that list.. Some people think Governmemt is just about Civic Education… My brother and sister you need to cram in order to pass government.
Well this is just what I can think of for now on the question “which subject is the most difficult in Jamb”.
This post will be edited over time.