OND Vs NCE: Which one is affordable and better?

To decide which one to go for between the Ordinary National Diploma (OND) and Nigeria Certificate In Education (NCE), a candidate may want to ask which one is higher, better, or advisable.
To present this very directly, this post wants to answer the question of whether you should consider admission into a polytechnic or a college of education

If a candidate should be so blunt on this kind of question, he definitely wants to be sure if ND or NCE is the best and most importantly he wants a direct answer like “Go for NCE” or “Go for OND”.

Here is the real deal.

I can’t answer you directly. But I will end up helping you to decide. Before then, let’s get the basics of the two qualifications or programmes.

Difference Between NCE and OND

I had comprehensively given you detailed differences in my post, “BSC, HND, OND, NCE, A’level: What are the Differences?”. I even added so much more including BSC, HND, BSN, LLB, etc.

But for the purpose of the post, OND is the award/certificate given to polytechnic graduates for the first two-year National Diploma course. If you gain admission through JAMB UTME or direct admission (daily part-time) into a polytechnic, you will spend two years to complete your OND which can be used to further your studies at a university through direct entry or HND after another year of industrial training (IT).

NCE is the award/certificate given to graduates of Colleges of education after a three-year course. If you’re admitted through JAMB UTME into a college, you’ll spend three years completing your NCE which can be used to further your studies at a university through direct entry (DE)

Which One is Higher: NCE or OND?

You should be the judge here.

NCE has trained you to be a teacher. And when you’re done in school, you could be employed as a teacher for a primary school or secondary school depending on your course.

Whereas, ND has trained you to be ready for jobs in your area of study as well – but not for teaching. For example, an ND holder in Accountancy, Business Admin, or Office Technology Management could be employed as an office assistant, record keeper, etc

So, what do you think?

Here is what I think…

I think there is a DRAW here.

The only thing I may say differently here is that, if an ND holder is employed as a teacher for a school (usually at a private school), he will not be recognized as a qualified teacher. This is why he will not be employed by a government school for teaching.

Whereas, an NCE holder is favored here. He is qualified to teach in any private or government school. This is why he may earn a higher salary than an ND holder if they work together at a private school.

In favor of an ND holder, he can be employed for his area of specialization which an NCE holder may not be fit for.

But where a job is opened as just “a graduate job”, an NCE holder can as well be employed where his ND counterpart is employed. Here NCE may have another upper hand


It’s hard to pass a final verdict as I said earlier. But if you must ask me, I will prefer someone to go to a college in Nigeria today than a polytechnic.

Here is my reason.

Polytechnic education is not given the same recognition (even at the HND level) as its university counterparts (BSC). Then, why not go for NCE and make up your mind to be a teacher than to be half-bird half-rat?

Before an HND holder can be recognized as a teacher, he has to acquire, in addition, a diploma in education. That’s when he can be equivalent to an NCE holder who can proceed to a university to earn a Bachelor of Education (B. Ed.)

You own the final decision though