Polytechnics Offering Orthopaedic Technology For Nursing DE

When registering for JAMB UTME, you may want to know the list of polytechnics or colleges that are offering/running Orthopedic Technology.


In fact, if you didn’t consider Orthopedic Technology right at the time of your JAMB registration, you may decide to do that when you’re about to change institutions and courses.

In the last section of this post, I will give you some reasons. if you don’t know yet, why you should consider Orthopedic Technology if you have what it takes?

But before then, let’s look at the list of the polytechnics and colleges that offer this course.


  1. Federal College Of Orthopedic Technology, Igbobi, Lagos
  2. School Of Orthopedic Cast Technology, Ilorin, Kwara State
  3. School Of Orthopedic Cast Technology, Enugu, Enugu State
  4. School Of Orthopedic Cast Technology, National Orthopedic Hospital Dala, Kano


At the time of this writing, that’s the five colleges/polytechnics you can study Orthopedic Technology at. If we have more, later, I will be sure to update.

If you’ve got your choice, there is a need to know the admission requirements for this course and especially by your institution of choice.

SSCE Subjects Requirements For Orthopedic Technology For all 5 Polytechnics/Colleges

Generally, all the listed schools require, for O’level, at least credit passes in:


  1. Mathematics,
  2. English Language,
  3. Biology,
  4. Physics/Chemistry*, 
  5. plus any other subject.


* With this, it means they consider Physics and Chemistry as one subject, not as an individual subject. Hence, the fifth subject can be any science subject. In other words, you have one of the Chemistry or Physics as still apply and be admitted.

JAMB UTME Subject Combination For Orthopedic Technology For the 5 Schools

While picking the subjects to sit for in JAMB, for Orthopedic Technology, think pure science. Accordingly, below is the list of UTME subjects for Orthopedic Technology.


  1. English,
  2. Biology,
  3. Physics and
  4. Chemistry


Above, strictly, are the subjects required for Orthopedic Technology admission irrespective of the polytechnics.

Why You May Want Study Prosthesis and Orthopedic Technology

Starting with the basics, the definition and the potential of this course could give you a reason to want to explore the field.

Orthopaedic Technology is the art of casting and splinting broken bones and muscular injuries. The study program gives students the opportunity to get acquainted with the current possibilities of the orthopedic technologies sector in Nigeria and abroad; the patterns and prospects of change.