Uniben Hostel Application, Uniben Hostel Fees|Uniben Hostel Pictures

 Uniben Hostel Application, Uniben Hostel Fees|Pictures of Uniben Hostel 

Do you want to know how Uniben Hostel Application and accommodation is done, Uniben Hostel Fee, Images and Pictures of Uniben Hostel. Then you are in the right place. 

Uniben hostel

Uniben Hostel Application

How can I apply for Uniben Hostel? 

  1. Log into your Kofa record (https://uniben.waeup.org/login). Under Accommodation, Select Particular Hall of Interest. This is a compulsory step for all that require accommodation in any of the reserved halls. For example, hall 5, hall 6, NDDC, etc. Those that require accommodation in Hall 1, Hall 2, Hall 3 or Hall 4 and do not want to specify hostel can skip this step and go straight to step 2 after logging in. The next available space will be automatically assigned
  2. Under Payments, Create Bed Allocation ticket. Make payment using any valid ATM card. The usual payment procedure.
  3. Go ahead and book your particular space using the activation code on your payment slip, if desired hall is any of 1, 2, 3 or 4.
  4. Immediately proceed to pay the relevant Hostel Maintenance fee assigned to your allocated space, upon successful booking. Please Note that all allocated spaces will be released back to circulation after 48 hours. For the avoidance of doubt, Note that allocated spaces will be retrieved and become available for others to book after 2 days (48 hrs) of not paying Hostel maintenance fee.
  5. Print out relevant Slips to use for clearance into the Halls of Residence. Students that require space in any of the reserved halls should submit their payment slip to student affairs. Any Student allocated a space in the reserved hall is also expected to go ahead and book with their activation code and to Immediately proceed to pay the relevant Hostel Maintenance fee assigned to your allocated space, within 48 hrs, upon successful booking

How to Apply for keystone hostel fee in Uniben 

To apply for keystone hostel, just follow the procedure of the Uniben hostel application above.. 

Uniben Hostel Fee

How much is Uniben Hostel Fee

Uniben Hostel Fee is N17, 000 but I but it differs from hostel to hostel 

how much is nddc hostel in uniben

Uniben nddc hostel fee in Uniben is N35,000

How much is Hall 5 hostel in Uniben 

Hall 5 hostel fee in Uniben is N25000

How much is Hall 6 hostel fee in Uniben 

Uniben Hall 6 hostel fee in Uniben is N40000

Other Hostel Fee is N17000

How much is Festus Akingbola hostel in Uniben 

Uniben FESTUS AKINGBOLA 3RD FLOOR is 62,000.00

Some Other Uniben Hostels and Their Prices 

  •           FESTUS AKINGBOLA DOWN BUNK 36,000.00
  •  PG HOSTEL EKENHUAN 50,000.00
  •  HALL 7 75,00

Uniben Hostel Accommodation

Uniben Hostel Accommodation can be really frustrating, that’s the major reason for this post, to assist you guys and give you a few tips.. 

Best Hostels in Uniben 

  • Hall 1
  • Hall 2
  • Keystone
  • Hall 3
  • Hall 4
  • NDDC
  • Hall 5
  • Hall 6
  • SSQ
  • JSQ
  • DQ

More Tips About Uniben Hostel Accommodation 

  • hall 6 hostel uniben benin City
  • Hall 6 is hostel is one of the hostels in Uniben that allows both boys and girls 
  • Hall 5 hostel in Uniben 
  • Uniben Hall 5 hostel is just like hall 6 hostel, they both are mixed hostels. 
  • The NDDC hostel is a new hostel in UNIBEN and it is for both girls and boys while the Keystone hostel, though not a new hostel is for both girls and boys.

Keystone Hostel in Uniben 

In addition, it is important to note that the Keystone hostel is actually the only hostel where girls and boys are mixed together.

Therefore, if you really want to enjoy hostel life in UNIBEN where girls and boys really mingle, then consider Keystone.

Of course there is also a relaxation center in between Hall 1 and 2 called the Hotel de’ Ebeleb.

Uniben Male Hostel 

Uniben Female Hostel

Hall 1 and Hall 2

Hall 5 and Hall 6 is mixed 

Best Female Hostel in Uniben 

The best female hostels in Uniben are ;

Keystone Hostel 

Hall 5 and Hall 6 hostels 

uniben hostel life

Read up this story, it’s in episodes (written by a Uniben student) 

uniben hostel life episode 

images of uniben hostels

photos of uniben hostel

pictures of keystone hostel in uniben

keystone hostel
uniben hostel pictures
uniben hostel pics
uniben hostel pictures
queen idia hall uniben

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